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Certification of Invoicing Software

  • 0394/DGCI – Gestix Enterprise editions are aimed at Small and Medium-sized Companies (SMEs) in Distribution, Manufacturing, Production, Technology, and Services
  • 0395/DGCI – Gestix Business editions cover the needs of micro and small businesses as well as Professional Services
  • 0396/DGCI – Gestix POS editions are aimed at the integrated management of Points of Sale in hypermarkets and retail store chains.
  • 0397/DGCI – Gestix Life editions focus on the Pharmaceutical, Health, Hospitality, Long-term Care, Hotel areas.

Pioneering Certificated Invoicing Software

Westix TI has always and exemplarily followed the challenges required by the regulation of billing software. Westix was one of the first to obtain certification for its software, as evidenced by the numbering of the certificates. It integrates the successive legal requirements in Portugal, Mozambique and Angola so that in 2008 it has the first version of SAF-T, in 2010 it guarantees DGCI/AT Certification of the various Gestix product lines (under numbers 394, 395, 396 and 397) and provides tax upgrades to its clients in a timely manner, even before the respective laws come into force.

The entry into force in 2014 of the obligation to electronically communicate transport notes before the start of transit of goods, led to the recent implementation of the electronic transmission of documents, in real time and by file.

Mantatory Terms The use of certified invoicing software is mandatory in Portugal, Mozambique, Angola, among other countries. Many companies that could previously use, for example, uncertified cash registers and billing programs, can no longer do so, being forced to use exclusively certified billing programs in accordance with the rules in force.

How compliance of the Gestix software is ensured - The compliance of the Gestix software with the rules in force is ensured through periodic updates made available to customers with an up-to-date annual support plan. These updates are automatic in Cloud solutions and via download in Download solutions, installed on the customer's equipment.
Countries exempt from software certification - Only in countries where the use of certified invoicing software is not mandatory, Gestix allows the user to choose how the program works, before entering any data into the system. For example, it is possible for a Cape Verde company to work with the program in order to make corrections to documents after they are registered. Regulatory functionalities and characteristics Historic

Regulatory functionalities and characteristics

SAF-T/PT file available
Supports specific VAT regime “2nd Hand Goods/Works of Art”
Supports transactions with customers under the Cash VAT regime
All tax and logistical documents are digitally signed
Documents with tax relevance cannot be changed once registered
Documents in the draft phase cannot be printed
Documents cannot contain negative values in lines
Credit notes and the like must contain the reason for the credit
Transactions at a VAT rate other than the normal one must be justified by mentioning the “legal precept applicable to the exception”
The issuance of a simplified invoice allows the omission of the purchaser's tax data but is limited to 100,000 euros
Logistics documents must be communicated to the Tax Authority before transportation begins
The issuance of tax and logistical documents requires the name, address and tax number of the purchaser to be mentioned, except in the case of the Simplified Invoice.
All documents issued that are not considered invoices (estimates, proposals, etc.) must contain the text “This document does not serve as an invoice”, and this text cannot be removed from the printed model by the user.
Simplified invoices (the old sales receipts) where the purchaser's tax number is not identified have a dashed line making the purchaser's identification place unusable, or alternatively the text "Final consumer".
Documents produced in other applications that are not digitally signed cannot be imported into Gestix as invoices, but are first imported into pro-forma documents and then these documents are automatically invoiced, with the invoices already produced in Gestix, with the respective digital signature .
Gestix is autonomous to generate either manually or automatically all types of billing documents with digital signature. Therefore, it does not allow the import of billing documents for SAF-T purposes.
Documents created manually using printing press must always be registered in the certified program and exported to the respective SAF-T with a specific text in the HashControl field. Customers who wish to use this method must purchase the respective module in a one-off contract.
Operator access to the program is controlled by login and password, either from the internal user database or from the user entity's directory.
Gestix's internal operations history identifies the operator, date and time at which a document was issued or canceled, also covering changes to customer files, articles, suppliers, among others.
What tax obligations apply to your company
Always consult the Finance department or your accountant to find out exactly how to comply with the legal provisions that apply to your company.

In Portugal, Angola and Mozambique, and a growing number of countries, the law requires entities that issue invoices or receipts to do so using certified software, with exceptions provided for specific groups. For example, in Portugal the entity can use manual receipts if it does not reach 100 thousand euros in annual gross revenue. In countries where it is mandatory to use certified invoicing software, the use of non-certified software is prohibited.

Portuguese law provides for heavy sanctions for anyone who does not comply with the requirement to use certified invoicing software. For this purpose, Article 155 of the OE-2012 amends the General Regime of Tax Offenses (Law 15/2001 of 15 June). No. 2 of article 128 of this regime was amended, defining the following: 2 — The acquisition or use of billing software or computer equipment, which are not certified under the terms of no. 9 of article 123 of the Code of IRC, is punishable by a variable fine between €375 and €18,750.

The tendency is for the use of certified software to be rapidly widespread. However, some exceptions currently apply to the obligation to use certified software.

Always consult the Finance department or your accountant to find out exactly how to comply with the legal provisions that apply to your company.

Find out about possible tax benefits when purchasing software
In countries where the use of certified software in company invoicing is mandatory, various benefits are generally given to encourage the modernization of the IT system. This happened in Portugal with the 2012 state budget, in which incentives were announced for companies that are forced to update their billing programs.

Consult your accountant about the possible application of benefits to your case.


Does Gestix need any Year End operations?
New Year's Eve in Gestix is automatic. As soon as invoicing is issued for the new year, it will no longer be possible to invoice for the previous year.
As a precautionary measure, it is strongly recommended to go to the Admin / Backup menu and make a backup copy.
With a backup made before making critical records, if an operator makes a mistake they will have the option of restoring the database to the state before the mistake.
What do I need to do when the VAT or VAT rate changes?
In Gestix, when changes to the VAT rate occur, the process is done easily in the Admin / VAT Rates menu
Changing the rates for each tier is automatic and respects the expiration dates of each rate, without disrupting the functioning of the system.
Invoicing a guide without prices
A guide registered with items at zero price, when invoiced via Doc.Origem, automatically assigns the list prices to the invoice, and updates the prices in the guide.
Gestix Business STD does not have specific menus for these operations, it can create two series of supplier documents based on Cash Purchase: a Page. Salaries, other Pag. Finance.
Using supplier files for the Finance entity and for each employee, you can maintain a complete record of the respective payments.
Do Purchases (supplier invoices) have to be numbered sequentially?
The original configuration of purchasing documents is Sequentially Numbered, assuming that the user intends to assign their own purchase registration number.
To enter the number contained in the purchase document, the configuration of the respective documents must omit the Sequentially Numbered option.
How can I check if my Gestix is AT certified?
Your Gestix is AT certified if its version is 5.1 or higher. You can see the version of the program in the top bar of the screen after entering Gestix.
Does Gestix online invoicing have the Tax Audit File (SAFT) recommended by the OECD and prescribed in Portuguese Law?
Yes. The SAFT File is available in all current Gestix versions that have one of the Invoicing, Point of Sale, or Webshop Invoicing modules


SAF-T(PT) (Standard Audit File for Tax Purposes – Portuguese version) is a standardized file (in XML format) with the aim of allowing easy export, at any time, of a predefined set of accounting, invoicing records , of transport documents and receipts issued, in a readable and common format, regardless of the program used, without affecting the internal structure of the program's database or its functionality.
The adoption of this model provides companies with a tool that allows them to satisfy the requirements for providing information to inspection services, shareholders, internal or external auditors and auditors.
The standardized format facilitates the extraction and processing of information, avoiding the need for auditors to specialize in different systems, simplifying procedures and encouraging the use of new technologies.
The SAF-T(PT) file is intended to facilitate the collection of relevant tax data in electronic format by tax inspectors/auditors, as support for taxpayers' tax declarations and/or for the analysis of accounting records or other records with tax relevance.
Ordinance_321A_2007.pdf, of March 26, establishes that all IRC taxpayers who carry out, primarily, an activity of a commercial, industrial or agricultural nature and who organize their accounting using computerized means are obliged to produce a file , in accordance with the data structure published in the annex to the ordinance and whenever requested by the inspection services, within the scope of their competences.
The provisions of Ordinance No. 321-A/2007 apply, in relation to invoicing systems, to operations carried out from January 1, 2008 and, in relation to accounting systems, to records corresponding to the years 2008 and following.
All certified programs must export the SAF-T(PT) XML file for the purpose of validating signatures, so IRC and IRS taxpayers who use certified programs are required to export the aforementioned file for invoicing.
Ordinance No. 1192/2009, of October 8th, made the 1st amendment to the annex of Ordinance No. 321-A/2007, of March 26th, with effect on 01/01/2010, and established a new data structure and corresponding XSD file.
Ordinance no. 160/2013, of April 23, made the 2nd amendment to the annex of Ordinance no. 321-A/2007, of March 26, with effect on 07/01/2013, and established a new data structure and corresponding XSD file.
Ordinance no. 274/2013, of 21 August, made the 3rd amendment to the annex of Ordinance no. 321-A/2007, of 26 March, with effect on 01.10.2013, and established a new data structure and corresponding XSD file. - (NEW)
Simplified Invoice
On August 24, 2012, decrees-law No. 197/2012 and 198/2012 were published, which introduce changes in terms of VAT with regard to the issuance of simplified invoicing. These changes take effect from January 1, 2013. It was introduced in art. 40th of CIVA a new concept of simplified invoicing that replaces the previous concept of “sales receipt” and exemption from invoicing.
Simplified invoicing replaces the issuance of invoices provided for in art. 29.o as the requirements set out in art. 36th of CIVA (Deadline for issuing and formalities of invoices). No. 5(a) of the aforementioned article 36 of the CIVA specifies, in particular, the elements to be included in the invoice.
Article 36. CIVA – Issuance deadline and invoice formalities
1 – The invoice referred to in paragraph b) of paragraph 1 of article 29 must be issued:
(As amended by Decree-Law No. 197/2012, of August 24th. Entering into force on January 1st, 2013)
a) no later than the 5th working day following the moment on which the tax is due in accordance with article 7;
(As amended by Decree-Law No. 197/2012, of August 24th. Entering into force on January 1st, 2013)
b) no later than the 15th day of the month following that in which the tax is due in accordance with article 7, in the case of intra-community supplies of services that are taxable in the territory of another Member State as a result of the application of the provisions in point a) of paragraph 6 of article 6;
(As amended by Decree-Law No. 197/2012, of August 24th. Entering into force on January 1st, 2013)
c) on the date of receipt, in the case of payments relating to a transfer of goods or provision of services not yet carried out, as well as in the case where the payment coincides with the moment in which the tax is due under the terms of article 7. .
(As amended by Decree-Law No. 197/2012, of August 24th. Entering into force on January 1st, 2013)
2 – In cases where the issuance of global invoices is used, their processing cannot exceed five working days after the end of the period to which they relate.
3 – Invoices are replaced by return slips or notes, in the case of returns of goods previously transacted between the same people, and their issuance must take place no later than the 5th working day following the date of return.
Value Added Tax Code
PwC 36
(As amended by Decree-Law No. 197/2012, of August 24th. Entering into force on January 1st, 2013)
4 – The documents referred to in the previous numbers must be processed in duplicate, with the original going to the customer and the copy going to the supplier's file.
5 – Invoices must be dated, numbered sequentially and contain the following elements:
(As amended by Decree-Law No. 197/2012, of August 24th. Entering into force on January 1st, 2013)
a) the names, companies or company names and the registered office or domicile of the supplier of goods or service provider and the recipient or acquirer, as well as the corresponding tax identification numbers of the taxable persons;
b) the quantity and usual denomination of the goods transmitted or services provided, specifying the elements necessary to determine the applicable rate; packaging not actually transacted must be separately indicated and with express mention that its return has been agreed;
c) the price, net of tax, and other elements included in the taxable value;
d) the applicable rates and the amount of tax due;
e) the justification for not applying the tax, if applicable;
f) the date on which the goods were made available to the purchaser, on which the services were performed or on which payments were made prior to carrying out the operations, if this date does not coincide with the date on which the invoice was issued.
If the operation or operations to which the invoice relates include goods or services subject to different tax rates, the elements mentioned in subparagraphs b), c) and d) must be indicated separately, according to the applicable rate.
6 – Return slips or notes and other invoice rectification documents must contain, in addition to the date and sequential numbering, the elements referred to in paragraph a) of the previous number, as well as the reference to the invoice to which they relate and the mentions which are subject to changes.
(As amended by Decree-Law No. 197/2012, of August 24th. Entering into force on January 1st, 2013)
7 – Documents issued for operations assimilated to transfers of goods by paragraphs f) and g) of paragraph 3 of article 3 and provision of services by paragraphs a) and b) of paragraph 2 of article 4 must mention only the date, nature of the operation, taxable value, applicable tax rate and amount thereof.
8 – The Minister of Finance may, in relation to taxable persons who transmit goods or provide services that, by their nature, prevent compliance with the deadline set out in paragraph 1, determine longer invoicing deadlines.
9 – In the case of taxable persons who do not have a registered office, permanent establishment or domicile in national territory, who have appointed a representative in accordance with article 30, the invoices issued, in addition to the elements provided for in paragraph 5, must also contain the name or company name and the registered office, permanent establishment or domicile of the representative, as well as the respective tax identification number.
(As amended by Decree-Law No. 197/2012, of August 24th. Entering into force on January 1st, 2013)
10 – Invoices may, subject to acceptance by the recipient, be issued electronically provided that the authenticity of their origin, the integrity of their content and their readability are guaranteed through any management controls that create a reliable audit trail , these requirements being considered met if adopted, in particular, an advanced electronic signature or an electronic data exchange system.
(As amended by Decree-Law No. 197/2012, of August 24th. Entering into force on January 1st, 2013)
11 – The preparation of invoices by the purchaser of goods or services is subject to the following conditions:
(As amended by Decree-Law No. 197/2012, of August 24th. Entering into force on January 1st, 2013)
a) the existence of a prior agreement, in written form, between the taxable person transmitting the goods or providing the services and the purchaser or recipient of the same;
b) the purchaser proves that the person transferring the goods or providing the services was aware of the issuance of the invoice and accepted its contents;
c) contain the mention “self-invoicing”.
(Added by Decree-Law no. 197/2012, of August 24th. Entering into force from January 1st, 2013)
12 – Without prejudice to the provisions of the previous paragraph, the preparation of invoices by the purchasers of goods or services themselves or by third parties who do not have a registered office, permanent establishment or domicile in any Member State is subject to prior authorization from the Tax and Customs Authority, which may establish specific conditions for its implementation.
(As amended by Decree-Law No. 197/2012, of August 24th. Entering into force on January 1st, 2013)
13 – In the situations provided for in subparagraphs i), j) and l) of paragraph 1 of article 2, as well as in other situations in which the recipient or purchaser is the tax debtor, the invoices issued by the transferor of goods or provider services must contain the expression “VAT – reverse assessment”.
(As amended by Decree-Law No. 197/2012, of August 24th. Entering into force on January 1st, 2013)
Value Added Tax Code
PwC 37

14 – In invoices processed through computer systems, all mandatory mentions, including the name, company or company name and tax identification number of the acquiring taxpayer, must be inserted by the respective invoicing program or computer equipment.
(Added by Decree-Law no. 197/2012, of August 24th. Entering into force from January 1st, 2013)
15 – Indication on the invoice of the identification and address of the acquirer or recipient who is not a taxable person is not mandatory on invoices with a value of less than €1,000, except when the acquirer or recipient requests that the invoice contain these elements.
(Added by Decree-Law no. 197/2012, of August 24th. Entering into force from January 1st, 2013)
16 – The indication on the invoice of the tax identification number of the non-taxable purchaser or recipient is always mandatory when requested.
(Added by Decree-Law no. 197/2012, of August 24th. Entering into force from January 1st, 2013)
Transmission of Inventory to the Tax Authority
Who is covered by this obligation?
This measure covers all natural or legal taxpayers who:
Have their headquarters, permanent establishment or tax domicile in Portuguese territory;
They are obliged to prepare an inventory;
In the previous year, they had a turnover of more than 100 thousand euros.
Companies with a turnover in the previous year equal to or less than 100 thousand euros are excluded from this obligation.
Can I communicate my inventory with Gestix?
All new Gestix editions have Inventory in a compatible format ready to transmit to AT.
As it is easy to import inventory from other applications into Gestix, many companies choose to switch now to the new Gestix and have peace of mind regardless of the number of items and movement involved.
Users of Gestix editions with warehouse management (Gestix Classic and higher) and who have their annual support plan up to date have access to software updates to meet new requirements. If you are not in these conditions, contact us for special upgrade conditions.
The deadline for reporting inventories ends on January 31st, don't take any risks and upgrade to the new Gestix editions now.
O prazo de comunicação de inventários termina no dia 31 de janeiro, não corra riscos e faça já o upgrade para as novas edições Gestix.